Saturday, March 27, 2010
Today it is sunny outside though it is cold (mid 30’s). We drive over to Shady Grove this time since the parking lot is free on the weekends. We actually make it on the first train to leave the station as it opened at 7:00am and the train didn’t leave until around 7:15. Again plenty of seats which on the weekend is how I remember it. However as we go downtown we start picking up more passengers which seemed odd for a Saturday. Turns out that this weekend is the Cherry Blossom Festival with the big parade being today. Looks like we won’t be the only ones down on The Mall today.
Since we have an appointment today at 9:00 for the White House tour we meander over that way stopping off at the White House Visitor Center run by the Park Service. A good place to get in out of the cold and use the bathroom. Plus they have some pretty good exhibits there and souvenirs. It’s on Penn Ave., just in sight of the WH and worth the stop if you are ever up that way.

We head over to where the gates are to the WH. Turns out there is a mix up and our scheduled tour is not until 10:00 so we have some more time to kill. While trying to figure out what went wrong with our 9:00 appointment we are having a difficult time finding the phone number of our tour guide and the boys needed a pad and pencil to write down his phone number. They were amazed that I was able to dig that out of my “Man Purse” which I am using for the first time on this trip. I’m giving it a trial run as I plan on taking it to India with me later this year if it works out on this trip. During all of this confusion Earl calls me a “manipulator”, I’m not sure why but there is probably a good reason. Must be because none of us knows what the hell’s going on and we are having memory fade outs. It’s no fun getting old. We do eventually make it on the tour and it was a pretty good one as all the security personnel doubled as tour guides and did a very good job filling in the history of the various WH rooms.
Across the street from the WH was the Smithsonian Renwick Gallery which housed the “Ghost Clock”. If you are ever in DC go visit the Ghost Clock as it is an amazing piece of art.
During the day and also on Friday, whenever we were out and about touring I would notice that Carlos was very good at pointing out the pretty girls that would happen to walk by. That is not all that amazing as DC does have a lot of pretty girls. What was amazing is that I noticed a peculiar pattern and that was that every time Carlos would point one out, Earl would instinctively pull out his comb and start combing his hair. Now, I ask you, how many 60+ year old men do you know that still carry a comb with them? God bless him.

After the WH tour, we took the subway over to Arlington where we visited the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier as well as President Kennedy’s gravesite and the Custis Lee mansion. We also saw the graves of 3 of the “5 Stars” from WWII; Halsey, Leahy and Bradley. Also while there, Earl pointed out the grave of the “Rock of the Marine” from WWI. Carlos, ever the astute observer (remember all the pretty girl sightings?), pointed out that the grave stone actually said “Rock of the Marne”. A significant difference that I’m sure is important to everyone except perhaps the people in Texas that are rewriting our country’s textbooks…
We end the day taking the subway over to the National Cathedral which was just “down the street” from the subway stop. It was in a nice neighborhood in Northwest so we felt very safe walking the sidewalk to the cathedral. We ended up the day by eating in a diner-like place named “Z-Burger” close by the subway stop.
By the end of the day, Mike H.’s pedometer says we had walked close to 15 miles.