Port of Call: Orlando, FL
I'm starting to get the hang of this netbook as well as gmail and am liking it pretty well. As for the email address of "Master.Abell", The Barb set this up and since my name was already taken she just picked this one out of the blue. I'm sure it was done just after one of my rare bossy days around the house. For those of you wondering, it has nothing to do with S&M or Bondage.
This day started off at 45 degrees but ended up at 75 and sunny. Just, beautiful. We just returned from another day at Sea World. Even though it was 45 when we pulled into the Sea World parking lot, there was no wind and it felt like a very "warm" 45 so I just went without a jacket and never felt cold all day. It eventually got to 75 for the day.
The nice thing about these multi-day Sea World passes is that you don't feel rushed trying to take it all in, in just one day. We did some things on Monday as for the shows but didn't see them all as we knew we would be back again this week. Since I brought my weather clock and it works down here, I was able to pick out the best days to go. The rest of the week looks warm save for some rain on Thursday. Now, after two very leisurely days at Sea World, we have seen it all and don't have to go back. Thursday and Friday will be spent relaxing around the Tuscany Villa complex and perhaps going shopping at the big outlet mall. The mall borders the property so we can walk to that.
I'm really starting to like Florida especially Sea World. After being there for two days I'm starting to notice the different nationalities of the tourists. There are a lot of Mediterranean people here, especially Spanish, Italians and Portuguese. Some Germans and Brits too and even a few Eastern Europeans and from Brazil and other South American countries. But mostly I’m noticing Spanish and Italians. It's so I can spot the Spanish women right off as they tend to dress in painted on blue jeans or some stretchy leotard like pants. I really like those leotards. Unfortunately, since it's been on the cool side the tops they have selected are for warmth and not for show. I'm sure come summer they will be out in some very nice looking tops to go with the stretchy pants. I think I will have to plan a trip to Spain when it’s warmer.
I may have to revise my estimate of the square footage of this place. It may be closer to 1000 sf. And since I don't have to pay the electric bill the heat goes UP at night when I'm trying out the Jacuzzi.
I'm also starting to like that Jacuzzi and the wine. I see my wine bottle is about to run out so I'm sending The Barb back over to Publix for more. I'm trying the Sangria this next time.
Again, saw my first Yaris within 3 minutes of leaving the complex.
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