Sunday, February 7, 2010

Subject: Postcard from Florida--#6

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Port of Call: Orlando, FL

Life does not get any better than this. Last night we spent the evening relaxing around the condo. It was such a pleasant night (72 degrees at 7:00pm) that I walked over to the exercise room and did 2 miles on the treadmill. Then came back to the room and enjoyed the Jacuzzi and two glasses of wine. That makes two nights in a row I've done the Jacuzzi and wine is almost gone again. At this rate it may be more economical if I have her purchase it by the box rather than the bottle. I'm not sure what she thinks about this new relaxed me as I heard her mumble I was turning into my dad. (And she should be SO lucky…)

I may not do the Jacuzzi on Thursday night as both nights I came out looking like a cooked lobster. I definitely think I may have this water too hot.

Today is going to be a day around the condo and the shopping outlet mall that is next door.

Thursday Evening 5:30.

This evening it is 81 degrees outside and cloudy at 5:30PM. Rain will be coming into the area within the next hour. Today has been a partly cloudy and windy day but very nice. We just spent the past two hours out in the whirlpool by the pool. I now know I've been setting the water temp too hot for the Jacuzzi in the room as the whirlpool was warm but at least 30 degrees cooler. No wonder I've been looking like a lobster the past two nights. Plus, I don't have to do those "Man gyrations" when I get into the whirlpool like I was doing in the Jacuzzi to, well, I won't explain it...

The whirlpool was filled with a lot of people (it was a BIG hot tub) and a few parents with pre-school age children. We sat by a couple just a few years younger than us. When we got to talking with them we found out they are from Louisville as well!! What an odd coincidence. It's kind of funny because when we took our first trip to Florida back in 1984, we toured Disney World and during lunch sat beside a family that was from the same Maryland town we were living in at that time. In fact, they had pulled their children out of school for this trip and one of the kid’s teachers was the wife of the guy who sat next to me at work. As the Disney ride says; "It's a Small World!"

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